New Features

  • Author Workbench - Added a screening mechanism to ensure higher quality authors

    • Users can now invite collaborators to join Author Workbench
      As an Author Workbench user, you can send collaborators invitations to join Author Workbench. Sending an invitation will help them get onboarded faster without having to apply for candidacy and wait for an admin to approve them. You will be prompted to invite a user to Author Workbench if you try to add them to a team for your course, guided project, article, video or organization and they are not found on the platform. Alternatively, you can access the Your Invitations page by clicking your profile picture dropdown in the top right.
    • New users are now in "Candidate" mode until approved by an admin

Bugs Fixed

  • Mark - The order of the questions the learner sees is not the same as what the author configured it to be