New Features

  • Author Workbench - Tables are exportable as a CSV

Bugs Fixed

  • Author IDE - Testing your lab always uses the old version of Cloud IDE (1.0)

  • Author Workbench - Approving a course or project takes too long and sometimes times out

  • Author Workbench - Can no longer get direct link to instruction asset from Embed menu

  • Author Workbench - Courses are failing to delete

  • Author Workbench - Embedding a lab shows incorrect LTI credentials for coursera

  • Author Workbench - Selecting version 1.0 of Cloud IDE when testing your lab gives you version 2.0 instead

  • Author Workbench - You cannot change the version of a lab used in a course/guided project easily

  • Copy to Clipboard button on Skills Network File Library interface isn't working

    Fixed the "copy to clipboard" button in the Skills Network File Library interface which was previously failing.