New Features

  • Author Workbench - Author profile now includes their articles and tutorials
  • Author Workbench - You can now see who reviewed your publication submissions at a glance

Bugs Fixed

  • Author Workbench - Duplicating a course doesn't copy everything

    When duplicating a course, labs and assignments get successfully duplicated, but videos, and some course settings aren't copied.

  • Author Workbench - Failed labs creation doesn't return an error

    When creating a new lab in a course or guided project and our system encounters an error, users are not told an error occurred and are instead left on the lab creation screen.

  • Author Workbench - JupyterLab and JupyterLite don't always load with the latest edits

  • Author Workbench - Labs can have no ownership, which causes errors

  • Author Workbench - Sorting labs by "tool" while a tool type filter is selected results in an error

  • Author Workbench - Transcripts are failing to generate

  • Catalog - Coursera and edX course cards should be clearer in communicating their meaning

  • Catalog - Learning Paths have an overwhelming number of skills shown