New Features

  • JupyterLite has been upgraded to 0.1.0b18 JulypterLite has been upgraded from version 0.1.0b8 to 0.1.0b18. This upgrade brings:

    • You can now install packages with the %pip command (e.g. %pip install tqdm). This will make your JupyterLite notebooks much cleaner and easier to follow.

    • The Filesystem and respective file navigator are now work as expected.

    • Performance improvements

    • Improved stability For more details about these improvements and other enhancements please check the release notes:

  • Author Workbench - Improved management of labs used by multiple courses or guided projects

    • Author Workbench - You can now see what courses and projects a lab is used in

      Navigate to the "Settings" page for your lab and there you will be able to see a comprehensive list of all the courses and guided projects a lab is used in.

  • Other Features

    • Author Workbench - Can now create a support ticket on

Bugs Fixed

  • Author Workbench - "Your project outline is not configured to use the lab ...." warning does not give enough detail We've improved the message in this warning to give you more detail about the problem and what the automatic fix will do if applied. You will now see the URL of the current lab the outline is configured to use, and you will also see the URL that will be set if you click the button to fix your outline.

  • Author Workbench - Bulk importing labs from your GitLab repo imports old sample/template labs

  • Author Workbench - Instructor page has different favicon

  • Author Workbench - Labs list does not refresh after adding a lab from another course or project

  • Author Workbench - Long lab names are cutoff and difficult to read We've made the name column wider to accommodate lengthy lab names. This should make it easier to find the lab you're looking for in a table.